Watermelon Jokes

Watermelon jokes

Looking for juice the best watermelon jokes and puns? Look no further! Add a touch of humor to your day with these adorable watermelon-themed jokes and puns that will make you burst with laughter!

Perfect for sharing a laugh with friends and family, these fun and punny watermelon jokes are sure to sweeten anyone’s day.

Q. Why did the watermelon go to the doctor?

A. Because it was feeling seedy.

Q. Did you hear about the watermelon who won the lottery?

A. It had one ticket in a melon!

Q. Why did the watermelon give up its job?

A. It was tired of the daily rind.

Q. Why did the watermelon look so sad?

A. Because it was feeling melan-choloy.

Q. Why did the watermelon go out with a grape?

A. Because it couldn’t find a date!

Q. What did the watermelon say to the lemon?

A. You’re my zest friend!

Q. Why was the watermelon given a job?

A. Because it had the seeds of potential.

Q. What’s a watermelon’s favorite soda?

A. Melon-ade.

Q. Why did the watermelon take acting classes?

A. It wanted to be melon-dramatic!

Q. Why did the watermelon go to the ER?

A. It was seeding urgent medical attention.

Q. What is green and goes underwater?

A. A watermelon in a submarine!

Q. What do you do when life throws you watermelons?

A. Duck!

Watermelon Joke - why are watermelons so good at gossiping? Because they have all the juice! The Corny Joke Company

Q. Why shouldn’t you go into business with a watermelon?

A. They’re seedy.

Q. Did you hear about the watermelon who won the lottery?

A. He said he felt like a melon bucks!

Q. Do you know what they call the outside of a watermelon?

A. Rind of.

Q. Did you hear about the funeral that was full of watermelons?

A. It was very melon-choly.

Q. What do you call a girl sitting in a watermelon patch?

A. Melanie (Melon-y)

Q. Why are watermelons so good at starting businesses?

A. They always have seed money!

Q. When do you start on green and end on red?

A. When you eat a watermelon.

Q. Did you hear about the watermelon who got arrested?

A. The cops said he was acting seedy.

Q. Why was the melon so happy?

A. It had a melon reasons to smile.

Q. What type of watermelon can change color?

A. A cha-melon.

Q. Why did the cantaloupe jump into the swimming pool?

A. It wanted to be a watermelon.

Q. What do you call two watermelons that can’t get married?

A. A couple of can’t-elopes.

Q. What did the hippy watermelon say?

A. Juice go with the flow.

Q. What is a watermelon’s favorite dog?

A. A melon-collie.

Q. Why did the watermelon go to the party alone?

A. It couldn’t find a pear.

You’re one in a melon!

Don’t be melon-dramatic!

Thanks a melon!

You’re juice the best!

Seed you later!

Got a melon reasons to smile.

Don’t be melon-choly!

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