Spinach Jokes

spinach jokes from the Corny Joke Company

Looking for ‘un-be-leaf-able’ spinach jokes and fun puns? Then look no further! The Corny Joke Company has a spin-ach-ular collection of jokes and puns about spinach!

These spinach jokes include one-liners, puns, riddles, and more. 

These clean spinach jokes are perfect for kids, adults, parents, teachers, grocers, farmers, gardeners, chefs … anyone looking for some laughs. 

Remember… when it comes to spinach jokes noboby puts baby spinach in the corner…

Q. What is the most uncomfortable type of vegetable?

A. Spin-ouch. 

Q. Why are spinach leaves never lonely?

A. They always come in bunches.

Q. How does Popeye like his spinach?

A. With Olive Oyl! 

Q. What is the difference between spinach and boogers?

A. Kids won’t eat spinach! 

Q. Why did the spinach go to the doctor?

A. It was feeling green.

Q. Where do you find spinach in a garden?

A. On the leaf-t.

Q. What did one spinach plant say to another?

A. You’re my soil-mate.

spinach joke
the Corny Joke Company

Q. Where does spinach eat its dinner?

A. At the vege-table.

Q. What do you tell a dog when it grabs the spinach?

A. Leaf it.

Q. Why did the spinach blush?

A. It saw the salad dressing.

Q. Why did the spinach win a prize?

A. It was outstanding in its field.

Q. Why did the spinach go to his room?

A. He wanted everyone to leaf him alone.

Q. How do spinach plants maintain order in the garden?

A. They weed out unnecessary drama and ask troublemakers to leaf.

Q. What did one spinach plant say to the other when it was having a tough day.

A. Just green and bare it!

Q. How do you clone a spinach plant?

A. With stem cells.

If one spinach plant is sad, do the other spinach plants photo-sympathise with it?
I’m sick and tired of vegans interrogating me about my eating habits… It’s like the spinach inquisition!


I be-leaf in you.

There’s one born every spinach.

Spitting spinach. (Spitting image)

Spinach inquisition.

Body spinach (body image).

It only takes a spinach.

Don’t leaf me hanging.

Take it to the spinach. 

Don’t leaf me this way.

Beats per spinach.

All it takes is a be-leaf that you can and you will.

Leaf it to me!

Looking for more jokes and puns? Try a helping of beetroot puns!