Orange jokes

If you are looking for un-peel-able orange jokes and puns then you are in the right place! Here at the Corny Joke Company we love fruit jokes of all types but particularly orange jokes and puns since they have such great a-peel and give a break from the daily g-rind. 

This zest collection of orange jokes includes one-liners, puns, riddles, and more … 

These sweet orange puns and jokes are perfect for kids, adults, parents, teachers, grocers, farmers, gardeners, chefs … anyone looking for some peely great laughs!

Who knew that you could squeeze so many puns out of one fruit?

Q. Why did the orange quit it’s job?

A. It was tired of the daily g-rind.

Q . How do oranges talk to each other?

A. They speak mandarin.

Q. What do you get if you cross an orange soda with a stick?

A. A fanta-stick combination!

Q. What is an orange’s favorite movie?

A. Pulp Fiction.

Q. Why did the orange crash it’s car?

A. Because it was not keeping it’s eyes peeled on the road.

Q. What did the teacher say to the fruits at citrus school?

A. Concentrate.

Q. Why are oranges so good for your eyesight?

A. They are full of vitamin see.

Q. Why did the orange lose the art competition?

A. Because it’s entry was not orange-inal.

Q. Why are oranges always happy?

A. Because they have a peel good factor.

Q. Did you hear about the orange who failed it’s driving test?

A. It keep peeling out.

Q.  Why did the orange go to the doctor?

A. It was not peeling well.

Q. Why did the orange work out at the gym?

A. So it could peel the burn.

Q. Why did the orange turn into orange juice?

A. Because it could not handle the pressure.

Q. What happens when two oranges collide?

A. They get en-tang-led

Q. Why did the orange keep coming back?

A. Because it was a boom-orange.

Q. What did the orange lawyer say at the end of the trial?

A. I zest my case.

Q. What did the audition board say to the orange actress?

A. Don’t call us, peel call you.

Q. Why did the orange get the job?

A. It had the peel of approval.

Q. Why do oranges wear suntan lotion?

A. Because they peel.

Q. Why did the oranges get lost in the maze?

A. They were going rind in circles.

Q. What types of music does an orange like?

A. Music com-peel-ations.

Q. Why did the orange win the school prize?

A. Because he was zest in class.

Q. What did the orange say as it jumped into the juicer?

A. The zest is best to come!

Q. Why do oranges make great florist?

A. Because they can do flower orange-ments.

Q. Why did the orange help the old lady across the road?

A. It wanted to do a random act of rind-ness!

Q. What did the orange judge say as it sentenced the prisoners?

A. Juice-tess will prevail!

Q. What happened when the orange, apple and banana went on a pic-nic?

A. They had a fruit-ful day!

Q. Why was the orange depressed?

A. It had fallen into a pith of despair.

Q. Why did the orange dress up as a clown?

A. It wanted to be a zester.

Q. Why did the orange miss the party?

A. He wasn’t around at the time.

Q. What did the orange lawyer say to the judge?

A. “I’m going to win this case on a-peel”!

Q. Why did the orange dream of a world filled with oranges?

A. It was his fanta-sey.

Q. Why couldn’t the orange dance without his partner?

A. It takes two to tang-o.

Q. Why did the orange get insurance?

A. Zest in case.

Q. What did the orange say on meeting his long lost friend?

A. Orange you glad to see me?

Q. Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?

A. It ran out of juice.

Q. What did the bully orange say to it’s brother?

A. I’m going to beat you to a pulp.

Q. What type of monkey doesn’t eat bananas?

A. An orang-utan.

I peel it in my heart!

Zest friends forever!


I find you so a-peel-ing.

Forget the daily g-rind.

Orange you glad to see me.

Orange you going to say anything?

You are my zest friend.

Laughter is the zest medicine.

I zest my case.

And the zest was history.

Peel good factor.

I gave the orange the peel of approval.

Head over peels.

I’m going out of my rind.

Don’t call us we will peel you.

Going rind in circles.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Better late than Navel.

A pip off the old block.

Pip, pip, hooray!

Bitter late than never.

All you seed is love.

Don’t give me only one orange, I want Seville.

Squeeze the day. 

Squeezed as punch.

At a juice end.

Squeeze don’t go.

I ate the orange because it looked so a-peeling.

I went to the store to buy some bananas, apples and oranges. But they did not have any… It was a fruitless trip.

Looking for more jokes? Try a helping of strawberry jokes!