Beetroot jokes

Looking for beetroot jokes and fun puns? Then look no further! The Corny Joke Company has an un-beet-able collection of jokes and puns about beetroots designed to keep you up-beet and make your day beet-a-ful.

These plant-astic beetroot jokes include one-liners, puns, riddles, and more … humor that just can’t be beet! 

These clean beetroot puns and jokes are perfect for kids, adults, parents, teachers, grocers, farmers, gardeners, chefs … anyone looking for some laughs.

Q. How do farmers party? 

A. They turn up the beets. 

Q. Why did the beet cross the road?

A. Because, the beet goes on.

Q. Why couldn’t the beetroot make it to the party?

A. He was grounded.

Q. How do you make a salad wrap?

A. By adding some beets…

Q. What the vegetables say at the garden party?

A. Lettuce turnip the beet! 

Q. Did you hear about the beetroot policeman?

A. He got to the root of every case.

Q. Why did the vegetable band break up?

A. They couldn’t keep the beet. 

Q. Why did the DJ go to the farmers market?

A. To get some fresh beets.

Q. Why couldn’t the raddish finish the race?

A. He was just a little beet.

Q. What did one beetroot say to another?

A. You’re my soil-mate.

Q. What happens when vegetables throw a party?

A. They get a DJ to turnip the beet.

Q. What happens when you go on a date with a root vegetable?

A. Your heart misses a beat! 

Q. What do you call an Italian veggie pie?

A. Beet-zza.

Q. What do you call a six legged vegetable?

A. A beetle.

Q. What do you call a person who doesn’t like green vegatables?

A. Someone who marches to a different beet.

Q. Why did the beetroot blush?

A. He saw the salad dressing.

Q. What is the difference between an egg and a beetroot?

A. You can beat an egg…

Q. Why did the beetroot get an award?

A. Because he was outstanding in his field.

Q. Did you hear about the guy who stopped eating vegetables?

A. His heart missed a beat! 

Q. Why are beetroots so clever?

A. Because they are well red.

Q. Did you hear about the beetroot waiter who won a prize?

A. It was for his un-beet-able customer service.

Q. Why was the beetroot never late?

A. She always beet the clock.

Q. Did you hear about the beetroot that went on and on and on?

A. It was the beet around the bush.

Q. Why did the beetroot visit Washington DC, London and Paris?

A. It liked to go to ca-beet-able cities.

Q. What the rabbit say to the beetroot?

A. It’s been nice gnawing you.

Q. Did you hear about the vegetable that lowers your blood pressure and increases your brain function?

A. You can’t beet that!

Q. What new crop did the farmer plant?

A. Beets me.

Q. What do you call a beetroot with four sides?

A. A square root.

Q. What do you call it when it rains on a beetroot?

A. Pre-ci-beet-ation.

Q. Why did the spinach walk out of the concert?

A. It was fed up with hearing the root vegetables re-beet their songs.

Q. What is a beetroot’s favorite restaurant?

A. A beet-zeria.

Q. Where do beetroots eat their dinner?

A. At the vege-table.

Q. What did the beetroot say to his bride?

A. You are so beet-utiful.

Q. Why does everyone like a vegetable band?

A. Because they have a good beet.

Q. Why do beetroots have problems letting go?

A. They have deeply rooted issues.

Q. Did you hear about the chef who ran out of beets and ordered a replacement vegetable?

A. It didn’t turnip.

Q. Why did the beetroot go back to its hometown.

A. It wanted to revisit its roots.

Q. What advice did the beetroot parent give?

A. Juice be yourself.

Q. What do you call a beetroot with six faces?

A. A cube root.

Q. Did you hear about the beetroot who hated having friends for dinner?

A. She was in-hos-beet-able.

Q. Why did the beetroot go to the hairdresser?

A. Her roots were showing.

Q. What do you call a young beetroot?

A. A yeet.

A good gardener doesn’t miss a beet.

Lettuce have a party…. turnip the beet!

Don’t beet around the bush.

Fat beet.

We got the beet.

Beet my high score!

You are beet-utiful.

Beet-ween a rock and a hard place.

Beetroot puns are up-beet.

Just beet-ween us, I love beetroot puns.

I’m not going to re-beet myself.

This song has been playing on rebeet.

Beetroot puns are unbeetable.

Beetroots are plant-tastic.

I’m rooting for you.

Life is better when you are up-beet.

I beet off more than I can chew.

Listen to the beet.

Don’t beat-a-root.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to rebeet it!

Dunno beets me!

Those dead-beets always hang around the park after dark.

Beetroot recipes are so a-beet-tizing.

If you leave now you will beet the rush!

Dont’ worry it will be okay, don’t beet yourself up.

He’s not crazy, just a little offbeet.

Beetroot puns are red-ical.

You can’t beet local produce.

Stay grounded no matter what!

I nearly beet my pants!

My heart skips a beet!

Feeling upbeet!

I always buy my beetzas from the same beetzaria.

Don’t make me rebeet myself.

Can you hear my heartbeet?

Do you have anything plant?

Beetroot to yourself.

My heart beet.

Looking for more jokes? Try a helping of lemon jokes!