Banana Jokes

If you are looking for ap-pealing banana jokes and puns then look no further! Here at the Corny Joke Company we are bananas about jokes and puns and have collated a bunch of banana jokes that are sure to a-peel.

These banana jokes include one-liners, puns, riddles, and more … 

These clean banana puns and jokes are perfect for kids, adults, parents, teachers, grocers, farmers, gardeners, chefs … anyone looking for some side-splitting laughs.

Q. Why did the banana go to the doctor?

A. It was not peeling well.

Q . What do you call it when two bananas break up?

A. A banana split.

Q. What do you call a banana who gets all the girls?

A. A banana smoothie.

Q. What shoes do bananas wear?

A. Slippers.

Q. How do fruits go downstairs.

A. They use the banana-ster.

Q. What do you do if you see a blue banana?

A. Try and cheer it up.

Q. What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit?

A. Ba-na-na-naaaaaa!

Q. Did you hear about the banana who failed it’s driving test?

A. It keep peeling out.

Q. Why did the banana have to go to the hair salon?

A. Because she had split ends.

Q.  Why do bananas never get lonely?

A. Because they hang out in bunches.

Q. What kind of school do bananas go to?

A. Sundae school.

Q. How do bananas greet each other?

A. Yello!

Q. What fruit likes to tease?

A. A ba-na-na-na-na-na

Q. Why do monkeys like bananas so much?

A. Because they are very apeeling.

Q. Why do bananas have to wear suntan lotion?

A. Because they peel.

Q. What is a sheep’s favorite fruit?

A. A baa-nana!

Q. Why couldn’t the police catch the banana?

A. He had split.

Q. Why didn’t the unripe banana want to be friends with the ripe banana?

A. He was green with envy.

Q. What is yellow and goes in the sea?

A. A banana in a submarine.

Q. Why did the banana farmer go out of business?

A. He kept throwing the bent bananas away.

Q. Why did the banana do when he saw a monkey coming?

A. He split!

Q. What do you call a banana who eats another banana?

A. A cana-banana!

Q. What is yellow and goes bzzzzz?

A. An electric banana!

Q. Why do bananas use sunblock?

A. Because otherwise they would peel.

Q. What do you use to open a banana?

A. A mon-key.

Q. How does a banana answer the phone?

A. “Yello”!

Q. What did the banana lawyer say to the judge?

A. “I’m going to win this case on a-peel!”

Q. Why do bananas buy their clothes?

A. Banana Republic.

Q. Why did the bananas go on strike?

A. They didn’t want to work on Sundaes!

Q. What do you call a fruit who is a grandmother?

A. A Ba-nana.

Q. What made the banana such a smoothie?

A. Yogurt.

Q. What is yellow and goes at 70 mph?

A. A banana in a car on the interstate.

Q. What is yellow and flies through the sky?

A. A banana in an airplane.

Q. What is a banana’s favorite movie?

A. Yellow Submarine.

Q. What do you get if you cross a sheep with a banana?

A. A baa-nana.

Q. How many bananas does it take to change a lightbulb?

A. Dunno… a bunch I guess!

Yello there!

I’m peeling good.

I am going bananas!

I peel it in my heart!

Thanks a bunch!

I peel so happy!

I don’t work on Sundaes!

Time flies like an arrow… fruit flies like a banana!

I ate the banana because it looked so a-peeling.

Bananas don’t snore because they don’t want to wake up the rest of the bunch.

I went to the store to buy some bananas, apples and oranges. But they did not have any… It was a fruitless trip!

Looking for more fruit jokes and puns? 

Try a helping of lemon jokes from the Corny Joke Company!