Apple Jokes

If you are looking for the best apple jokes and puns then you are at the right place. The Corny Joke Company has a core belief that apply puns are funny and so has a bushel-load of jokes and puns about apples that are sure to a-peel and make your day sweeter. 

These apple jokes include one-liners, puns, riddles, and more. 

These clean bite-sized apple puns and jokes are apple-solutely perfect for kids, adults, parents, teachers, grocers, farmers, gardeners, chefs … anyone looking for some laughs and maybe some apple-aus.

Q.  What lives in an apple and loves to read?

A. A book worm.

Q . What kind of an apple isn’t an apple?

A. A pineapple.

Q. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what does an onion a day do?

A. Keeps everyone away.

Q. Why did the apple stop in the middle of the road?

A. He ran out of juice.

Q. What do you get if you cross an apple with a shellfish?

A. A crab apple.

Q. Who led all the apples to the bakery?

A. The Pie Piper.

Q. Did you hear about the apple who failed it’s driving test?

A. It keep peeling out.

Q. Why did the apple pie go to the dentist?

A. It needed some filings.

Q.  Who is an apple’s favorite relation?

A. Granny Smith.

Q. What is an apple’s favorite movie?

A. Mr and Mrs Smith.

Q. Why was the apple pie so happy?

A. It won first pies in the contest.

Q. What type of apple throws the best parties?

A. Gala apples.

Q. Why did the apple join the theatre?

A. He loved all the apple-ause.

Q. What is square and red?

A. An apple in disguise.

Q. What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?

A. Finding half a worm in your apple.

Q. How do you make an apple turnover?

A. Push it down a mountain.

Q. What apples does Darth Vader eat?

A. Empire apples.

Q. Why do apples wear suntan lotion?

A. Because they peel.

Q. Did you hear about the search for the stolen apples.

A. The police gave up, it was fruitless.

Q. How do you make an apple puff?

A. Chase it round the garden.

Q. Did you hear about the apple proposing?

A. It pipped the question.

Q. What did the apple tree say to the caterpillar?

A. Leaf me alone.

Q. Why did the apple go to the doctor?

A. It wasn’t peeling well.

Q. What can an apple do that half an apple can’t?

A. Look round!

Q. Why did the farmer hang raincoats all over his orchard?

A. He wanted some apple macs.

Q. What the apple say to the almond?

A. You’re nuts.

Q. What do you call a grumpy apple?

A. A crab apple.

Q. What has apples and 3.14 slices?

A. An apple pi.

Q. What is red and blushes?

A. An embarrassed apple.

Q. What is apple’s favorite restaurant?

A. Apple-bees.

Q. Who carries the coffin at a fruit’s funeral?

A. An apple-bearer.

Q. Why did the fruit move to New York?

A. She fell for the Big Apple.

Q. Where do apples go for vacation?

A. The Apple-achian Mountains.

Q. Did you hear about the apple juice being spilled on the computer?

A. It was a cider attack.

Q. What types of apples grow on trees?

A. All of them!

Q. Did you hear about the two apples that got married?

A. They lived appley ever after!

I went to the store to buy some lemons, apples and oranges. But they did not have any… It was a fruitless trip.

How can I find the Big Apple? I don’t even know where the Minneapolis!

You’re so a-peeling.

You are the apple of my pie.

You are apple-lutesly the best!

I apple-solutely love you.

I ate the apple because it looked so a-peeling.

May the juice be with you!

You are so hard core.

I apple-laud your efforts.

Have an apple-solutely wonderful day!

And they lived apple-y ever after!

I’d like to apple-ogize for the pun!

You’re the apple of my eye.

Bad apple.

If you were a fruit you would be a fine apple.

I peel so happy.

Apples are so ap-peel-ling.

Apple jokes have such great ap-peal.

Work hard and you will succ-seed in life.

In-cider information.

Looking for more jokes and puns? Try a helping of banana jokes?